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June 07, 2017

The secret for a perfect pie crust

How do you make shortcrust pastry? Is there a trick to make it easier, healthier and more delicious? Why, there is! And the secret is to use Olive Oil, in particular Olive Oil from Spain, which is so good at enhancing the flavour of all your recipes.

Making shortcrust pastry can be a little complicated, and sometimes, because of that or time pressures, we resort to buying ready-made dough, which is not as tasty or healthy as a home-made shortcrust pastry made with Olive Oil.

That’s why, with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year fast approaching, we’re bringing you this interesting take on making a simple, yet healthy and delicious, shortcrust pastry. See full recipe here: Pie crust.

Delicious Pie Crust

Tired of your shortcrust pastry not turning out how you want or of having to go to the supermarket at the last minute to buy one ready-made? Try our recipe and tell us what you think.


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