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June 12, 2017

Take care of yourself this winter, inside and out, with Olive Oils from Spain

Winter is here, but that’s no excuse for neglecting yourself! We have delicious nutritional soups and rice dishes that will give you the healthy boost you need. Olive Oils from Spain help you take care of yourself in the winter months. Olive oils from Spain nourish you inside and out, thanks to their many healthy properties. Olive oil also doubles as an amazing skincare product for all your beauty needs. Adding olive oils to your beauty routine provides numerous benefits for your skin, hair and nails. We are going to give you some hints and tips to help get you through these harsh winter months..

We have the perfect winter warmers for you!

Let’s work from the inside out. If you haven’t checked out the recipe section on our website, do it now! Our soups and rice dishes will warm you up and keep you strong and healthy. Did you know that two tablespoons of high-quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Spain every day provides high amounts of antioxidants, vitamin E and phenols, in particular, which help to lower LDL cholesterol levels and increase antioxidant compounds in the blood. Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Spain helps boost your immune system, thus providing protection against viruses. In addition, researchers from the PREDIMED study found that olive oil is very effective in warding off many diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. So there really is no excuse! Keep your body and mind in good shape even in the winter months with some delicious easy to prepare dishes. Shake things up a bit and get a little more adventurous in your kitchen!

For example, try our cleansing soup or our delicious creamy pumpkin soup..

Cleasing soup

Look your best with a little help from your secret weapon

Olive oils contain major antioxidants: vitamin E and polyphenols. When topically applied, antioxidants may help protect the skin from premature ageing. Vitamin E partly accounts for the anti-ageing benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Spain because it helps restore skin smoothness and protects against ultraviolet light. Polyphenol, a compound found in extra virgin olive oil, also prevents free radical damage to the skin. A little Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Spain is the perfect substitute for your regular night cream! It provides antioxidant protection, because Olive Oil penetrates deeply into the skin.  It has a cleansing effect because it doesn’t clog pores. It enhances exfoliation. A home-made skin scrub containing Olive Oil from Spain is so simple to make: just mix 1 tablespoon of oil with some natural sea salt. Gently scrubbing the mixture on your skin removes dead skin cells and leaves the epidermis looking renewed and glowing. Olive Oil is also great for nail and cuticle care and also as an eye makeup remover. Further applications include using it as an ingredient in homemade face masks. You can even use Olive Oil from Spain as a substitute for shaving gel!  Many men have even stopped using shaving cream after discovering how close a shave they can get with Olive Oil. Men and women alike have also found its refreshing qualities make it an excellent aftershave.

Check out our website for lots more great ideas to revitalise your skin.

Great ideas to revitalize your skin

Get moving!

Last but not least, don’t forget to stay active! Physical activity is one of the secrets of the Mediterranean lifestyle. It doesn’t matter whether you do some basic workouts, the slow, deliberate movements of yoga or love going for a challenging run, what’s important is that you keep active. Being aware of how your body feels is vital to a healthy lifestyle. Make sure to stretch before and after exercising, take time to enjoy working your body and feel healthy!  Whether you see it as a leisure activity, a way of carving out some time for yourself or to socialise with other people, just do it!

So look after yourself, follow our advice and keep yourself looking and feeling youthful and vibrant.

keep yourself looking and feeling youthful and vibrant

We hope you’ve enjoyed our tips for taking care of yourself and for getting started ASAP! We’d love to hear how you get on if you try any of them. If you want to know more about the wonderful benefits of Olive Oils, check out our website for tons more information as well as links to the PERIMED study.


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