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October 29, 2022

Cozy and comfort fall recipes with olive oil

pumpkin cream soup


It’s autumn and the weather is unstable: hot, rainy or cold… all in one day. We are in that season full of contrast and a bit melancholic, but certainly one of the most exciting of the year.
The variety of fruits and veggies at this time of year is quite wonderful. It’s time to celebrate the arrival of the best apples, citrus fruits, first mushrooms, renowned Galician chestnuts, and prized nuts (without forgetting the pumpkins).
With the first rains and the drop in temperatures, the homey spirit awakens, and we feel like recovering the «stew» recipes: stews, soups and casseroles are the meal of the day, especially, those that are made with a touch of olive oil from Spain. As for dessert, sweets with walnuts or apples will be the perfect afternoon snack at home.
Here we will show you three recipes that you can easily prepare at home in the cosy environment with your loved ones and that will comfort you in the cold weather for days.


Pumpkin cream soup


  • 600 grams of pumpkin.
  • One large leek
  • One onion
  • Two potatoes
  • Four large carrots
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Extra virgin olive oil from Spain

Preparation method

Pumpkin is one of the best known and most versatile seasonal vegetables, although one of its most traditional uses is to prepare creams like the one, we are going to show here. First, chop the leek and poach it in a casserole with olive oil from Spain. When it is starting to cook, add the onion, also chopped into pieces.
After five minutes when the onion is starting to become translucent, it will be the moment to add the potatoes, peeled and cut in medium-size pieces. We also add salt.
The pumpkin and the carrot it is better to chop in very small pieces, even with the mixer. This way it will take less time to prepare. When we have them also add them to the casserole and let them poach for a few minutes. About a quarter of an hour is enough.
Finally, add a litre of water. The quantities can be varied if you want it to be thicker or thinner. Let it boil over medium heat for another 15-20 minutes until all the ingredients are tender. Add salt and pass it through the blender.
If you like, you can garnish the puree with a trickle of extra virgin olive oil from Spain. Ready to enjoy!


Mushrooms in the oven


  • 4 mushrooms
  • 25 ml red vermouth or sweet wine
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil from Spain

Preparation method

Heat the oven to 200º C. In the meantime, clean the mushrooms well, to remove any dirt they may have. To do this, you will probably have to remove the end of the stem. Also check the condition of the lower part of the cap, which looks like a sponge: although it is edible, if it has a strong yellow or greenish colour, it is best to discard it (it is very easy to remove by hand). After washing the mushrooms, dry them with a cloth and cut them into quarters or eighths, depending on their size. Arrange the mushrooms on baking paper or aluminium foil, season with salt and pepper to taste, add the vermouth or sweet wine. As a final touch, add a little extra virgin olive oil from Spain. If you want a more natural flavour, you can also leave out the wine. Close the papillote tightly and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Serve immediately.


Beef stew


  • 1,5 kg of veal
  • 250 g carrots
  • 225 g sugar
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 200 ml white wine
  • Water
  • Extra virgin olive oil from Spain
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Salt

Preparation method

Clean the meat of any remaining fat and cut into equal cubes. Brown in a pan with a drizzle of olive oil from Spain.
Add the sliced carrots and diced onion. Add the garlic cloves and the bay leaf. Fry the vegetables and meat for a further 15 minutes.
Season with salt and pepper and add the white wine. Turn up the heat so that the alcohol evaporates. Cover with water and put the lid on the pan. Cook over a medium heat for 1 hour. Uncover and cook for a further 45 minutes.


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