Tick-tock, tick-tock… it’s 31 October and the sunlight is slowly fading after a long day. Ahead of you lies a night full of monsters, black cats and enchanted houses. There hasn’t been a feeling of fear like this on the streets since the last time your snotty neighbour left the house without make-up on…
The night of witches and wizards is back. The whole neighbourhood is keen to take part. Even the neighbours that wouldn’t pass the time of day with you even if you were president. You see, you can’t deny it: Americans love Halloween!
But this huge party event can also become stressful. Year after year, we rack our brains trying to think of the most outrageous costume for our kids and pray that our idea is much more terrifying and original than the one our neighbours have come up with.
But it’s not just about scaring the neighbours! You could also dream up a terrifyingly good dinner and leave your family speechless. The great Martha Stewart knows all about this and more, having spent decades coming up with the best ideas for decorating your home, garden and table to create a frighteningly fun and fearful atmosphere.
Today, we’re bringing you a recipe for some eye-popping stuffed eggs made with Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Spain. All you need to do is make a dodgy-looking green filling (also known as spinach) and decorate them the way we’re about to show you.
– See full recipe here: eye-popping stuffed eggs –
Happy Halloween!